Help need a couple coral id's


Active Member
the first look like a skinny kenya tree coral, and ive never had hard corlas, but the second looks like a kind of SPS??


I'm not sure about the first one, but is the second one maybe a white finger leather? Does it look like this up close?


the white one is a leather i will try to get a clear up close for eveyone to view. Does anyone have a picture of a kenya tree
The second one in the bigger pics is a Kenya Tree, I have the same type in my tank. The White one looks like some kind of Carnation to me. Never seen them all white but the general look is Carnation.


Active Member
That second one (the white one) looks like a spaghetti leather. Its hard to tell from the size of the pic though.


Active Member
The first one looks like the lighter colored species of a colt coral, and the second one looks like a spaghetti finger.


speg i think your right once again i just found a picture of the spahgetti leather and its looks identical i appreciate it you made my day. i managed to come across these corals from a friend of mine and he was tearing down his tank and was going to throw these little guys away and he was a little bit of a dummy so i took them to give them a home so i think i am happy with my little gahterings.Once again thank you a million


I have the same thing you have(the Kenyan tree/colt coral). I bought a frag for $6 and it has since split/kicked off branches about 16 times. Is this normal? :notsure: