Hey Guys & Gals
About a month ago i purchased my new lights for my aquarium. Their the Nova Extreme T5 HO lights. I had the usual algae outbreak due to the lights, mostly hair algae. But now, I had this dark green, gross, snotty carpet of green slime growing on my rocks choking out all life on them and on my parts of my sandbed and it looks like its a very invasive algae. None of my CUC touches it.
Another weird thing is that it only seems to grow on the sandbed on my left side of my tank. The right side of my tank its only on the rocks. just a little observation. My tank IS between two windows that get a small amount of diffused sunshine throughout the day. I have kept the curtins drawn in order to see if it helps. It has had little effect on the outcome.
I took one rock out scrubbed it and it came back within a week. I am starting to get a little worried here. Im hoping a few of you can ID it for me and let me know of some steps i could take to eradicate it naturally or chemically.
Left side of tank(sandbed)
Right side of tank(rocks only)
Thanks in advance.
About a month ago i purchased my new lights for my aquarium. Their the Nova Extreme T5 HO lights. I had the usual algae outbreak due to the lights, mostly hair algae. But now, I had this dark green, gross, snotty carpet of green slime growing on my rocks choking out all life on them and on my parts of my sandbed and it looks like its a very invasive algae. None of my CUC touches it.
Another weird thing is that it only seems to grow on the sandbed on my left side of my tank. The right side of my tank its only on the rocks. just a little observation. My tank IS between two windows that get a small amount of diffused sunshine throughout the day. I have kept the curtins drawn in order to see if it helps. It has had little effect on the outcome.
I took one rock out scrubbed it and it came back within a week. I am starting to get a little worried here. Im hoping a few of you can ID it for me and let me know of some steps i could take to eradicate it naturally or chemically.
Left side of tank(sandbed)

Right side of tank(rocks only)

Thanks in advance.