Help needed re:wet/dry pump


Hi, I am setting up a wet/dry filter for my 125g (AGA with duel overflows) FO tank but I am not sure what return pump to get.
How many times tank turnover is recommended for a wet/dry filter?


It depends how big ur tank is and how big the wet dry is.


The tank is a 125 gal. The wet/dry is a drop in type that holds 5 gallons of bioballs. It sits in a 55 gallon tank/sump with my skimmer and a refugium area.


Active Member
Um.. Sry To Say But Rio Pumps Suck.... And The Size Of The Pump Is Based On What The Gph Rating The Overflow Is.. I Mean.. U Cant Get A 10,000gph Pump If The Overflow Is Rated At 800gph... ( Im Just Saying) But You Do Lightly Oversize The Return Pump For It Will Have Headpresure Making The Return Rate Lower Then What It's Stated..


I am not familiar with the RIO pumps. I use a Mag for another tank and I like it. I will probably get another Mag. I looked it up and I see the pump you recommended is like 900 gph. My overflows can handle 600 goh each for a total of 1200gph.
BUT, I want to know is that the goal I should be shooting for? What is optimum for the wet/dry filter?? Slower or faster? How many times per hour should my tank water go through the wet/dry? I hope that helps clarify.


Active Member
well if the overflow is rated for 1200 gph.. then 1200 gph is what you should run through it..and for turn over rate.. in a non reef tank.. it's around 8x water volum.. (you add to this turnover by adding powerheads or having a close loop )