help, new on salt water aquariums



help me people i want a salt water aquarium i learned a lot about them but im not that sure about the stuff i need and in cinda confused about the cycle how many times can it happen or is does it just happen when your starting the tank
so help me and can you tell me the equipment i absolutly need and i want a reef aquarium with fish and inverts plz plz reply


well i still didnt get a tank but im hoping to get a 65 gal tank and it wont come wit a filtration im trrying to get ready and see what i need before i start and buy stuff so plz help me


Active Member
The cycle (nitrogen Cycle) is when a saltwater tank begins to tunr into a marine tank where organisms feed off of different elements. The first to begin gowing in a tank consume Ammonia (ammonia is what smells real bad when shrimp from the grocery store start to rot). When these organisms consume ammonia they give off nitrite (which tne spawns the grouth of nitrie consuming organisms). When both ammonia and nitrite levels come back to zero you ahve equalibrium ( a cycled tank)


thanks man but can you tell me were to get some equipment and can i put any organisams in the tank will the cycle goes and if i can what organisams


As far as cycling goes-you'll go the first intitial one which will be the longest. But then each time you make an addition you will go through a mini-cycle which is why it is suggested you only put in one at a time with a waiting period in between to avoid a system overload. Of couse there is an exception to this rule but you'll find that out later.
The equipment you REALLY need is very difficult to determine--I can tell you right now there are a million different filters or combinations of filters that will work. But here are a few clues:
Set a budget--I mean total--that way you won't get half way and realize you can't afford the rest.
go through you're species guide books and dtermine what exactly you want to keep, like your favorite fish, the one you just have to have-- then build around him--for example you want a blue tang--ok so read up and you'll find he needs lots of room but is one of the hardier species, so you might want to splurge on a bigger tank and less on lighting which he doesn't need. Then pick his friends based on his temperment. Or let's say you a particular invert or coral you want who requires high lighting and exception water quality--spend less on the tank and more on the filter and lighting. Don't set up your system only to realize or worse don't bother to check into weather you can support what you want. Do you see what I mean???
As far as where to buy--online is the best place for me 'cause the savings are so significant--although I personnally won't buy fish on line or lr--because I'm picky I like to see exactly what I'm getting. Do a search on aquarium supplies and you'll find lots.
Yes you can put things in to cycle in fact it won't cycle at all if you don't but I recommend cycling with lr and not fish.
Sorry to be so long winded but this is one of those subjects you could just go on, and on, and on about.
remember the better thought out the system is the better and more succesful you'll be even if you don't buy top notch stuff, and the most important thing is free- PATIENCE. It is a difficult, confusing and sometimes downright maddening--but always rewarding hobby.
Good Luck
I hope this helps a little
Good Luck


Active Member
As far as organisms go - I'm an oscellaris clown fan (hence the name) they are cute, impressionable, and extremely hardy when paired together.
Try PetSmart - they have a realtively large tank (150Gal) for about 300.00.

sinner's girl

you can also get shrimp from the store to cycle the tank with.
what you have to have? a heater, lights (how much will depend on what you want).
if you want fish in the tank while it cycles get damsles that's what most use. they are hardy, and have a better chance of making it out of the cycle alive. but i say why use fish when you can use lr and/or shrimp.
also-read past post, many others have asked the same questions, get a feel for things before jumping in, and go slow! don't rush things!
good luck
ps~why does your profile say 3 yrs in hobby? if you're just now starting to set up a tank?


ok thanks for everything but i still have one question for cycling so youll get a mini cycle every time you put and new fish or invert in or it just happenens plz answer me thx


yes you will get the mini cycle in the tank from adding livestock. in smaller tanks it is more noticable but if you get your 65 it shouldnt be so bad. a bigger tank is more forgiving than a small one. you add to the bioload and the tank has to build the bacteria to handle the new load this is what happens to cause the cycle.
check these out
<a href="" target="_blank">starting marines</a>
<a href="" target="_blank">reef 101</a>


as for suggestions on how to run/setup your tank. I would have liverock and a deep sand beed. (abbrev LR and DSB). these will form the majority of you filtration. a sump (water holding vessel beneath your tank) with a protien skimmer in my opinion is the way to go. for other filters, with LR a DSB and a skimmer you will not need any more different kinds of filtration. the benifits of this system : it is right now considered to be the most stable (in in my view the most effective) way of filtering a marine tank. the negatives : it cost alot. you should be able to get a sump for your tank for 10 dollars. live rock you can get it for 4 dollars per lb. (lets say approx 40 lbs) so $160. a skimmer can be picked up for $100. the returne pump for around 60 if you order online. Lets add another 20 dollars for all the tubing you are going to need and the fittings. DSB : a 1/2 live 1/2 dead sand would end up costing around 1.5 dollars per pound and 100lbs = $150. i purchased my 65 gallon tank with stand for 300. lights are a whole different kettle of fish so ask another question on that one. so a tank without lights and without fish costs 10+160+100+60+20+150+300 = 800 out the door. add another 100 for a cheaper lighting system and you are at 900.
mind you there are alot of different and cheeper ways of setting up a tank. also remember that i am just throwing a ballpark figure for the numbers for the prices. This is the system that i would set up if is was going to set up a 65 gallon saltwater tank. you could cut about 1/2 the price off of the tank by using a mechanical filtration and no skimmer. but you asked what i would do so now you have my ideas. good luck. if you want any more help email me
I think a skimmer is worth the money, and a hospital tank 15/20 gallon. Also a hydrometer and test kit. Go really slow to same lives and money.