Help!!!!! new six line wrasse is dying


i just bought a six line wrasse at my lfs yesterday and it was fine at the store and when we brought it home.
but when i woke up this morning i found it sitting on the bottom of my QT tank
all the water levels are fine
i have tried feeding it but it hasnt eaten any
the only other thing in the tank is live rock and a small brittle starfish the size of a quarter that hitched a ride with my rock
i dont know what to do
please help me!!!!!!!


I'm not an expert, my only guess would be that he is acclimating to the tank. How did you acclimate him to your qt? drip?? float?? how long? I wouldn't mess with him and just watch him for several days. You might want to return him if he isn't seeming better after a week. idk, that's my opinion.


i did the acclimating with the fish in the bag and adding tank water every 15 mins for like 2 hrs
i dont think the fish will live for a week its on its side at the bottom of the tank breathing hard

jonny bolt

Those fish are wimps. They are like goldfish fa christs sake
i took one home last Spring cuz I wanted one bad (least I thought I did), and my Angelfish IMMEDIATELY ran it out of the LR as soon as it was released into my show tank. Damn thing wimped out and gasped at tha top of tha tank in one spot for a night, and was dead'ah than'ah faht tha next day.
Wimp fish


That is great to hear Alyssa because I just bought a sixline wrasse at my lfs today. I acclimated it for three hours though and it is doing great. It has been swimming around the tank and checking things out. I'll be keeping my fingers crossed though. He's going to love the worms and pods in my tank.