Help New Tank Setup!!!


I am just setting up my new tank, i actually paid someone to do it for me. But today I went to a pet store and was told that I am not suppose to have rocks or regular gravel in a saltwater tank. So i need to find out if this is true. please help


Active Member
Originally Posted by chentiell
I am just setting up my new tank, i actually paid someone to do it for me. But today I went to a pet store and was told that I am not suppose to have rocks or regular gravel in a saltwater tank. So i need to find out if this is true. please help

you want live rock (lr) you want 1.5-2 lbs. per gallon of tank water=100 gal. tank 150-200lbs. lr you want eggcrate to put the lr on to avoid avalanches, you want live sand (ls) to pour around your lr that step just mentioned is important to do just as i stated it see avalanches, no regular gravel he was correct on that, you want ls not crushed coral (cc) and then you need some filtration a skimmer a good test kit and a whole lot of patience to watch an empty tank for up to 2 months maybe a month if you are lucky and come here for advise but you will want to post in new hobbieist this part of the site is for shootin the breeze but welcome to best fish site on the net...tobin


Thank you I actually have don that. He did put damsels in my tank 24 hrs later.. I will check back on the new hobbiest sight. thanks again