Help on B-ionic


Hey guys you know how to dose B-ionic i jsut bought it and added the alkalinity how long do it wait. And it says after the clouding clears but after i added the alk the tank wasn't even cloudy HElp!


Active Member
I use the B-Ionic. Isn't yours a 2-step deal (Bottle A and B)? I dose 1/2 of A then 1/2 of B, then wait a few minutes and dose the other 1/2.


Hey Anthony.......
I use this and as soon as it hits the water it's a little milky and then vanishes. Make sure you shake the bottle well. I usually wait about 30 seconds. Long enough to rinse out the cup and close the bottle. Also, dose it into a power head or wherever the most circulation is.
Hope this helps!


i use this as well, i dump it in with my sump return pump usually wait about a minute the dose part b.


Active Member
My schedule
One day alkalinity
Next day calcium
Next day test
Once you reach the levels you want - you can adjust the dosage and add less often depending on the tanks needs.