Help on IDing a puffer.


Today at my lfs there was this cute little puffer about 1.5 inches long, bright green with black spots, and agressive, swimming in a tank all by himself. I was wondering how big he would get, because he was only 12.99. I was thinking of getting a 15-20 gal to put him in.


Active Member
Check post titled New Pufferfish- Caresheets this section sounds like you to have a spotted green puffer. You will find my post there how to find out more about them.


Pufferlover is right. That sounds like a green spotted puffer. Did they have it in salt water? They are a brackish fish but most of the time I see them in fresh water tanks at lfs in this area. I have a pair of them in my salt tank that were in fresh water when I got them. There cute little fin nippers and they are hardy as all get up!