help on setting up my fuge


ok im goin to be setting up a 10G fuge to my 30G im goin to have the fuge below and i was wondering what kind of pump i would need to pump the water back up to the display tank and aslo would i need an overflow box or can i just use pipes? thanks alot for any info


viaaqua 2600 would work great. you could make pvc oerflows and that would work fine but you would have to drill the main tank.


I live by Danner mag drive pumps.
for efficient nutrient export you want 3-4x turnover rate.
..and like condork stated, you'll need either an overflow or to drill the tank.
the 3-4x turnover rate is hard to achieve with most Hang on overflow boxes because they normally have 1" lines that will support about 600GPH. Under 300GPH and you run a big risk of trapping bubbles in the U-tube and flooding your place.
make sure that your pump doesn't outflow your overflow capacity and don't forget to take head loss into the calculation. Most pumps advertised rates are at 1' of head.


i wouldnt recomend siphon overflows. its just one more thing you have to worry about and with pvc overflows as long as you are not pumping way to much water into the tank they will overflow the exact amount unlike a siphon overflow where they have to be set and all that garbage. PVC is the way to go.


hang on overflows aren't "siphon" overflows. They call the U-tube a siphon tube but it's very misleading. I like to refer to it as an equalizer tube. hang ons will also only drain what is returned to the tank, but I agree that if drilling is an option, it is a safer bet but the hangons are used on hundreds of tanks and overall have a very low failure rate when set up properly.
I used one myself for over a year and it never lost siphon. There are steps that can be taken to prevent siphon loss and steps that can be taken to remedy a failure so you don't flood your home in case it does happen.
just don't use a CPR!!!!!!!


They do siphon. that is what the process is called. And btw i was talking about a tidepool sos overflow.



Originally posted by condork12
They do siphon. that is what the process is called. And btw i was talking about a tidepool sos overflow.

yes they do but like I said it is very misleading in understanding how it works. It's easier to understand the process when you think of it as an equalizer because thats what it does. It equalizes the the lvl between the internal and external boxes.
sry I don't know anything about the tidepool overflow. If it siphons directly out of the tank w/o using at least an external overflow box, it would be crazy to use it. You simply cannot match the overflow and return rate on something thats not regulated by a weir of some sorts.