Help on sump set up for my 55.


I have a 55 gallon. Was gonna put a wet/dry on it. Have 4' dsb going in as I type. Going to be getting 50-70 lbs. of LR. Whould a sump be better than the wet/dry? I I did go sump would a 10 gal be good for it. What would i need in the sump? Lights, sand, lr i dunno help me out what all a sump consits of. Or could i do a sump/refgiuum combo?
Help me decide what i should do


That would work, but you should really consider a protein skimmer. You may want to leave yourself some room in the sump for the skimmer and a heater unless you plan on putting them in the display, up to you.


I think I'll but it In the sump in that little space where it says chemical filtration, what that mean, does i mean skimmer goes there? well i just make it bigger for it to go in. Sound good or no.


Well Its alwase good to use a sump. The question you asked is "the question" . I don't think size matters too much when it come to sumps. I'm useing a ten gal right now on my 55 gal but i want to go up to a 29 gal at some point. The real factor is the sump must hold you dranage water if the power goes out or you will have a wet floor. The amount of water that will drain depends where your sphion break hole is on you return line. So if you turn off your power to the pump and let the water drain to the sphion break into the empty sump (no water) then fill the sump to the top of the tank or container. when you turn the pump back on the water will return to your showtank to where you want it and the water level will go down in your sump. when the water levels off in the sump you want to mark a line at where that water is. that is the full mark. if its fuller than that you'll be moppin up. If there isn't enoughf water in the sump to do what you want to do then you need a bigger one.
Other factors in deciding on size would be if you want to add more water volume then ten extra gals. that would give you a larger margin of error for treating your tank keeping the sility and all that.
I also like your set up i have a similar config that i'm going to do in the 29 when i get it. are you sure you can fit that design into a ten gal ??? just something to think about

david s

I would forget about the bioballs if you have enuff rock it is not needed also some say they turn to nitrate factory
in the sump you should have you skimmer and heaters and stuff
If you go bigger you could make a fuge at the same time


I got the setup form dog's on I moded his Pic to be this.
put the bio balls up so they just break the water up and airarte it more, and don't turn into nitrate factory. and the skimmer after becasue if its before the fuse it takes out nutrients the fuse and macros will need. but after it takes out pods. i guess it had advantages and disavtanges but what doensn't. check it out.

reef fool

Active Member
the skimmer can be plumbed to the refugium or sump instead of putting them in the sump. IMO (in my opinion) a good skimmer is key!


Originally posted by David S
I would forget about the bioballs if you have enuff rock it is not needed also some say they turn to nitrate factory
I was under the impression that bio balls are supposed to be a nitrate factory.
The bacteria that grows on the bio balls will take in the amonia and nitrite, and produce nitrate as waste. Without some sort of Nitrate factory, you will have high levels of Nitrite and Amonia.
The DSP and macro algae in the center of the diagram should consume the nitrate and release free nitrogen.