Help - picasso trigger's stomach VERY bloated!


I have a hunch that he overate, but not sure. I chopped up a few pieces of uncooked scallop yesterday morning, and last night his stomach (well, it's probably more like his intestines) looks REALLY bloated. The underpart of his belly that is right near his anus is sticking down really far.
Not to be gross, but it looks like he needs to take a really big poo.
He usually is right out in front, and swims all around. He's hiding behind the rocks now - has been all day. I saw his eyes move, so I know he's still alive. I'm nervous though, and don't know what I can do for him.
He hasn't got ick, no new tank mates for the last 4 months or so, and my params have been very stable -
temp 78
amm, trite 0
trate 5
ph 8.2
The other fish look fine, but have been hiding back closer to the rocks a little today too - almost like they know he's ailing. It's funny - it's like he's the leader who keeps the tank together. When he's out, they're out. When he's in back of the rocks, they don't come out as much.
Is there anything I can do for him? I hesitate to try to pull him out and put into QT - it would prob. stress him out too much.


Staff member
Man, the fish overfeeding is forming a trend this week. Just a note, just because its the Holidays, doesn't mean that the fish have to overeat too.
Lets see what the situation is tomorrow. Where the scallops washed before feeding?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Beth
Where the scallops wasted before feeding?
Man, were they ever...
...tripping over each other, bumping into each other, slurring their words...

Sounds like a fish "belly ache"...Not too long ago my Panther did the same...
Ate too much and then "laid" at the bottom of the tank for like three days...
He looked 'sick"..but not "dieing"...kind of felt sorry for him...
Third day he was back up and swimming the tank...
Will your Trigger come out at all or is he locked himself in the rocks...? Breathing OK...Eyes alert...? Just hanging back for now...??
Give him a couple days..Probably be OK...
Is scallops a regular part of his diet, or was this a special treat...?


Staff member
Originally Posted by Squidd
Man, were they ever...
...tripping over each other, bumping into each other, slurring their words...

Can't imagine what you are babbling about.......



Active Member
Kinda like those little "Worm Dudes" on M.I.B. 2....
"Just don't fall asleep..!!" :scared:


Staff member
I wonder if it is bad when mods hijack topics? Probably not. LOLOL
Nicky, hopefully this fish only has indigestion. Nature tells fish to eat as long there is food there, so it is up to use to exercise moderation. Let us know how the fish is doing.