Help! Pinkish warts(?) on clown


New Member
there are some light pinkish warts (raised bumps) above mouth and below eyes on my sebae clown. My 125 fish only tank has been up since the beginning of Jan. '04. Clowns have been in since the beginning of Feb. I just completed a regime of "kick ich" and had my skimmer turned off. As a result, the water quality deteriorated over the 2 week treatment. I did a water change on 4/4. The problem with the clown appeared to have begun prior to the ich treatment but he had no raised bumps just a pinkish spot on his forehead not near his current warts. I have a sterilizer that has been running for a couple of months. I do have a Q. tank that had occupants up until last evening when I added a Hippo Tang and 2 dragonettes that were in there for 2 weeks. Other fish include: sail-fin tang, 4 damsels, 2 gobbies, serpent star, coral beauty, 3 pork-fish, and 3 crabs; all of which are small. Prior to the ich treatment my water readings were the following: salinity=1.0225, pH=8.2, trites=0, amonia=0, trates=20. Hopefully this is enough history to help me determine what could possibly be happening to my clown. I appreciate any advice. Thank you.