help please...chem all crazy


everything was fine till today i found that my shrimp had shed and it was decomposing....did a chem test and its crazy...
alk= normal
what can i do to get this down...its a 55 gal that has been up for 7 weeks now


Active Member
u still have a young tank .... how much LR do u have in the tank and what about sand bed was it live or not
did u say the shrimp was dead or just the excoskeleton left behind.... if just the shed was left behind that wont decompose and cause any increase of anything
if i were u id do a 20% water change and see how levels are....


Active Member
A shrimp molting wouldn't cause ammonia or nitrites to rise... even a dead shrimp wouldn't be a problem if you have a good clean up crew. Is this a reef tank? Did any corals die? Could you be overfeeding?


might be over feeding but the 1 fish i have in there always acts like he is hungry...ill stop feeding for a day or two and do a water change and see what happends....what can i get to eat up the missed food


Active Member
u need some small hermits to help clean up in your tank
please give some more specifics of your tank...
size, amount of rock, time its been up, filtration, etc that way we can help and point u in the right direction
one fish would only need to be feed depending on the fish once every 2 days a half a cube of frozen food or switch with different kinds for better health and colortatin
what do u feed your fish and what kind of fish


20 percent water change done, 2 more carlets added total of 3, brittal star added guuna let tank cycle for an hour and then check water running a filter that does 350 gph a canister filter with carbon that does 200 gph and 2 power heads that do 170 gph 25lbs live rock and 40 lbs dead sand 2 lbs live sand normal lighting till monday :joy:


Active Member
looks good just keep an eye on the water results retest tomorrow and maybe do another 10% change in 2 days