Help Please!!! Fish eye injury/disease??


:help: I noticed tonight that one of my juvenile percs has developed an eye problem. Only one of his eyes had doubled in size at least, and is white or "glassed over." He clearly cannot see out of it because he has trouble finding food during feedings. Is this a disease? An injury?
He is 1/2 of a newly acquired pair that I've had for a couple months. The two have been doing the whole pairing up thing, and this guy is sometimes attacked by the larger one. There arent any other agressive fish in the tank, and no other fish are showing any symptoms. Water params are right where I like em. Any ideas??? I took a couple of pics of him, but my camera isn't nice enough to take clear one's close enough to be able to see the eye. I know this stuff is hard to diagnose w/o pics, but any help is appreciated.


you can get medication that may reverse the effects of popeye, but it may or may not work. Another solution is to do surgery on the fish's eye, by means of cutting it off, i would do that as a last resort. You can also just leave him alone and he could be ok.


Active Member
Pop-eye can often be caused by poor water quality or an injury. Check you water parameters. Monitor closely to see if it is getting worse. This can often correct itself without the use of meds if it is not due to disease.