Help please!!! Hair Algae question.


This guy is breaking down his tank and I am buying all the live rocks from him for a good price. (going to pick it up tomorrow). The problem is his rocks has all these hair algae. (see pics) What is this algae called and how do I get rid of it? What is the danger if I put those rocks in my tank. Thanks. I appreciate all your helps.
by the way, I am using IO/DI water in the tank, so Phosphate in my tank should be minimal even though I didn't measure it.


I feel your pain! I have the exact same stuff. I don't know what it's called but I'm buying a cleanup crew from SWF and I'm going to see how that works.

regal tang

New Member
Ive had that in my tank before to
all u need to do is get u some turbo snails and a batch of hermit crabs
and other crabs they should eat all of it and kepp that ugly algea away


The only problem is that guy has turbo snails (about 7 or 8) and 2 emerald crab in the 29 gallon tank, so not sure why they were not eating it. May be he has more algae than they can eat? :)
But it is no big deal right? I mean they are not bad LRs, correct? he has lots of mushrooms and zoos growing on the rocks.


I had a rock that had quite a bit of that hair algae on it. I plopped an emerald crab in there, right on top of that rock and he ate that stuff, double fisted until it was all gone, he could not stuff it in his mouth fast enough. That crab is an eating machine and will devour any hair algae that gets in his path.


Originally Posted by moneylaw
The only problem is that guy has turbo snails (about 7 or 8) and 2 emerald crab in the 29 gallon tank, so not sure why they were not eating it. May be he has more algae than they can eat? :)
But it is no big deal right? I mean they are not bad LRs, correct? he has lots of mushrooms and zoos growing on the rocks.

i'll rent my emerald crab to you for a week, he will take care of business on that algae


Originally Posted by MotorCity
I had a rock that had quite a bit of that hair algae on it. I plopped an emerald crab in there, right on top of that rock and he ate that stuff, double fisted until it was all gone, he could not stuff it in his mouth fast enough. That crab is an eating machine and will devour any hair algae that gets in his path.

My Emeralds wouldn't eat the hair algae until I put the Turbo's in. I put the Turbos on the rock with the algae and the Emeralds started eating...LOL


Originally Posted by Snaredrum
My Emeralds wouldn't eat the hair algae until I put the Turbo's in. I put the Turbos on the rock with the algae and the Emeralds started eating...LOL

for some reason, i dont have any problems with anything I put in my tank not eating

I put 2 clowns in there the other day and they eat everything I put in there. They are pretty funny to watch.


Thanks for all your replies. Sorry I didn't get back to you sooner. I will go and buy emerald crabs. How many should I get for 60 gallon tank? Also list Turbo/Astrea Snail (I have about 15 astrea snail right now in my tank), is that the same turbo snail are you guys talking about. I heard it from somewhere that it is not true and turbo snails are much bigger than Astera snail. Is that true? Thanks guys.


Originally Posted by MotorCity
i'll rent my emerald crab to you for a week, he will take care of business on that algae

Thanks for the offer motorCity, but I will go and buy some for my tank.