Help Please


I have a pair of onyx clowns the smaller as started to loose color in areas not sure what is wrong. Have had clowns for about a month and half. Clown started hosting a frogspan about 1 week ago after this, the lost of color was detected. He diets consists of some flake food, mysis shrimp and homemade frozen food that contains mixture seafood also each meal is soaked in a bit of Selcon. He eats very well. Fish are feed once a day except for Tang who has algae sheets available most of the day.
Tank size is 90 gallons other fish are: Yellow Tang, Diamond Goby and 2 Small Blue Chromis. Tank was established about 2 years ago regular water changes are done with RO water (15 gallons every two weeks).I have about 125 lbs of live rock, 2” to 3”sand bed, a good cleaner crew 1 cleaner shrimp, ASM 2 skimmer 30 gallon sump/fuge.
Attached is a picture of the areas where he is loosing color.
Thanks for your help.


Staff member
Can you post a close picture? It almost looks like the skin has a white film on it. Does it?


No it doesn't look like it has any film I was worried that it might be Brooklynella.
My wife says it appears to be getting better looks the same to me. Attached is two more pictures, its hard to catch him in one place to take better picture. The affected area only appears to be on one side of body.
Any suggestion would be greatly appreciated



Staff member
Yes the brooklynella was my thought too, but it does not take long for a fish to deteriorate with brook. They other very likely possibility is slime production or irritation from attempting to host a frogspawn....which is one coral that packs quite a sting.
Try moving the frog to another "out of the way" location where the clown may not find it and see what happens.


Thank you Beth I will remove frogspawn to my quarantine tank for a couple of days to see if clowns host the rose anemone that I have. If successful I post pictures thanks again.
Here is a picture of anemone with both clowns.


Clown appears to be fine, I did block the frog with a plastic container with holes.
Clowns are now hosting anemone attached is a picture. Thanks Beth