Help Please!!!


I recently bought a pair of percula clownfish. One of them died within the first few days and his one side fin seemed paralyzed as well as their being circle around it. The other clown appeared fine for the last week but now is showing the same symptomes. Any idea what this may be?


Originally Posted by alibabwa_2
I recently bought a pair of percula clownfish. One of them died within the first few days and his one side fin seemed paralyzed as well as their being circle around it. The other clown appeared fine for the last week but now is showing the same symptomes. Any idea what this may be?
What size tank do you have? How long has it been set up? What are your water levels (Ammonia, Nitrite, Nitrate, temp, salinity, kh)? Other tank mates? Also did you qt these fish?


Sorry this should have been in the original post but i was a bit paniced. My ammonia is 0, nitrites are 0, nitrates are 10, and my salinity is 1.026. I did not quarantine these fish because they are the first fish in the tank. I drip acclimated them for 2 hours before introducing them. The tank is a 75 gallon FOWLR and has been up for three months.


The fin is disappearing. The clown is still eating well but the fin is slowly getting smaller. It looks really torn up.


Originally Posted by alibabwa_2
The fin is disappearing. The clown is still eating well but the fin is slowly getting smaller. It looks really torn up.

Ok, what is in your tank other than your clown? This doesn't sound like a disease to me, your water parameters are normal, you acclimated him a little quicker than I do ( I do 3 hrs) but not so fast that it would be a problem, what else is in your tank, do you have LR?


I have 50 lbs. of LR. I know i should have more and i am planning on adding more slowly. The only other things in the tank are a peppermint shrimp and a few hermits and a freinds six-line wrasse i am holding onto for him. Thanks a lot for all your help.