
I came home tonight and found one of my percula clown fish died. The other one seems fine but is dull colored.
As mentioned before nitrates/nitrites are fine but phosphate high. Could this kill the fish?
Also my LFS sold me two day ago "kent marine" tech cb calcium buffer. I have part a and b. I was told to use 13 ml for a 29 gallon tank. And dont mix it together.
I normally put part b on one side of the tank and part a on the other within two minutes apart.
I read the label NOW and it mentions only 10ml for a 40gallon tank. Was this the problem?please help Im very sad due to the lose.


Active Member
teog, Sorry to hear about your fish :( I doubt the Ca buffer had anything to do with it unless it's use altered the pH. Other than the fish being dull, are there any other signs of stress and/or disease? Other than the PO4 is there anything out of whack in the tank or has anything changed lately. My best suggestion would be to buy yourself all the necessary test kits, ph, salinity, ammonia, nitrites, nitrates, Ca, alkalinity, and test your water at home. This way you can test your water if you see something wrong and not have to wait to get to the LFS. You never want to add something like a 2 part Ca buffer system without being able to test whether or not your adding enough/ too much. HTH


Active Member
I believe the Two part buffer did poison your fish. As far as I know all two part additives contain Iodine and Stronium both of which can be overdosed.


As I mentioned elsewhere, I doubt the two part additive had anything to do with the untimely demise of your fish. However, I agree with Burn and others that you should not be dosing anything without testing PH, calcium and alkalinity.