Help Please


New Member
I'm really new to this, less then a month. I've been reading some of the posts for the last few days. And I am looking for some information on sharks (bandit cat shark) and general info on tanks. Always wanted one and recieved it as a gift, just kinda wingin it any assitance would be great.


what size tank. sharks need alot of room and special care for them to have a chance of survival. always look at sdult size because you may not be able to upgrade or find a home for them when they get bigger and you cant house them anymore.
also look in the aggressive forum.
Welcome to the board.


New Member
Thanks, I have tried to search for information I am not able to find any. I have a 55gal that has 2 damsels, 1 clown, some hermit crabs, 2 emerald crabs, bta (been there a few days look bad, but still alive) and 2 starfish. I don't have very much live rock and I'm not sure if the pet shop is giving the correct advice. The shark is about 6 inches and never comes out and has not been eating. I really love animals and I'm just at a loss.


Member first concern is you have alot of stuff in a tank that is probably not done cycling yet. If the shark is not eating it will probably not lat very long as not eating is the #1 sign something is wrong, well maybe #2 after floating on the surface.
Check your parameters, Ammonia, Nitrite, Nitrate make sure they are all in check, if not you will have to either start doing alot of water changes, or find someone to care for your live stock until your tank is ready.
Anemones are very fussy about water quality, if your BTA looks bad it probably means you have a problem with your water chemistry. Anemones also prefer to be in a mature tank that has been up and running for a while so that all params are more stable.


Active Member
get that shark out of there a 55 gallon tank is no where big enough for it. and check all your levels like others said Try to take the shark to the lfs demand them to take it


Active Member
Searching/researching only works with the right names...
Try Banded Cat Shark, Banded Bamboo Shark, Brownbanded Bamboo Shark, Chiloscyllium punctatum


New Member
Thanks everyone. Not sure what to do with the guy yet the lfs has his in a 55gal as well they were both together. I will check all the levels when I get home and thanks for the corrected name helped alot (again lfs) I'm going to try a different one to see if they can take it.