help please


New Member
I recieved a 55gal tank about a month ago as a gift. I have kept a few small fish okay, however this weekend I recieved a bandit cat shark (I think) he is beautiful, but I want to make sure it is okay. It is baby we were told, he is not eating and he nevers leaves the castle. I have been recieveing advice from 2 stores, but not sure what to do. Any suggestions would be great.


Active Member
well not eating is typical of babies, what r u trying to feed? i would reccomend gutloaded ghost shrimp. as for hiding thats normal of bamboos and cat sharks too


Active Member
Originally Posted by turbo21
this shark can grow up to 40", your best bet is to try to give it to one of your lfs,
if he has an appropriate sized aquarium he should be fine


Active Member
Originally Posted by Sharkboy13
if he has an appropriate sized aquarium he should be fine
His first post states the size of the aquarium...


New Member
I have been feeding frozen squid and frozen brine shrimp. It's probably 6-10" can you advise how much and how often to feed? Thanks for everything.


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
His first post states the size of the aquarium...
ooh, i gotta stop skimming the first post, try giving the shark back to ur lfs, ur tanks really to small already


New Member
ok thanks I will, just have to find a different lfs the one he came from keeps his in a 55gal and had both of them in together.


New Member
OK my opinions are only that ...... I think a 55 is ok as a temp holding tank . But a banded cat shark depending on the actual kind it is should be kept in a tank that is at least twice the adult length of the shark and at least 2/3 of the adult length in its width . A lot of people will talk gallons size this is ok with most fish . But when it comes to sharks or rays it's the over all foot print that really needs to be concitrated on . Also you need to have a preimium filtration set up . DO NOT SKIMP! As far as your feeding question goes . Ghost shrimp that have been gut loaded are good to get your shark eatting . But fresh squid is also good . a good variaty of foods all treated with vitamins will make for a healthy happy shark . As far as the amount goes your shark will only eat what it needs and as long as you are stick feeding it properly you shouldn't have issues . I hope I have helped you .


Active Member
Originally Posted by wanabebell
180 trust the people with expeirence
if it gets 4 feet or so wouldnt a 240 be bettr? thats what ive heard and seen, i think a large shark should have something that large


Originally Posted by Sharkboy13
if it gets 4 feet or so wouldnt a 240 be bettr? thats what ive heard and seen, i think a large shark should have something that large
180 is the bare bare minimum but a 240 would be better