help please



i have a mated clown fish for about 2 years now and just introduced a carpet anemone. the anemone was doing fine for the first 4 days but now it looks like its being attacked by the clown fish. the anemone looks really bad now. how can i stop this. please help


can anyone help me? do i need to separate them? what? i don't want it to die. is it normal?


It's hard to say- what do you mean it looks bad? What kind of clowns are they? What kind of lights do you have?You need T5ho or metal halides for anemones. How big is the carpet compared to the clowns? What are your water params? Anemones deflate to flush their system out. This could happen once a day oy once every couple days. Yes there is such a thing as your clowns loving the anemone to death, but it also could be a number of other things. Post as much info about your tank and whats in there and a picture if you can. Imo someone on here can probably help you but we need more info.


its a green carpet anemone which is about 6 inch in diam when fully open. i have 2 vho 4t5 for my lights i also have couple of haitian tips for about 8 months now. the 2 clowns are false percula, i had the clowns for 2 years. the tanks is well established for about 4 years (my display tank). parameters are fine. nitrate nitrite ammonia all zero or very close to. lots of live rock and 3-4 inch sand bed. i really don't think the prob is my tank. the clowns from my point of view seems to be biting the center of the anemone, and it won't leave it alone. the clowns don't seem interested in the other anemones. any help would be very appreciated. i don't want the anemone to die. p.s. i can't get to it to take out of the tank its behind live rocks that are all glued together.