Help Please



I have this nasty film on the top of my water and i cant get rid of it


Its protein. Either use a protein skimmer, use a little cup to skim out what you can, or point a powerhead towards the surface a bit to agitate it. The main problem with the protein film on top of the water is that it can cause problems with gas exchange and starve your tank of O2, hence if you dont have a skimmer just get a power head to agitate the surface a bit, but if its "thick" I'd try to skim some off by hand.
Originally Posted by darnell609
I have this nasty film on the top of my water and i cant get rid of it


I figured thats what is was but wasnt sure. I will get one 2moro any good ones in $200 range


Active Member
yeah thers a few. Look online for a used octo skimmer they are the best bang for the buck. Also get a couple power heads to agitate the surface so it is in the water colum the skimmer will have a better chance of removing it most skimmer dont take anything from the surface just help keeping it from forming up there nut I dont care how good of a skimmer you get yoou need to agitate the surface anyway if it is forming up there