Help please


Once your nitrite hits 0, do a water change, and then ghost feed for a week and if you still have no ammonia or nitrite your ready.


Originally Posted by xandrew245x http:///t/390761/help-please/20#post_3463716
Once your nitrite hits 0, do a water change, and then ghost feed for a week and if you still have no ammonia or nitrite your ready.
So wait till my nitrate's and nitrites hit 0 then do a water change how big of a water change have about 26 gallons of water . Please explain more about the ghost feeding how much how often will be checking the water later tonight but prolly more like tomorrow. Thanks.


How big is your tank, I would say a 20% water change. When your nitrite hits 0 do a water change, your nitrates won't go away on their own. Put a pinch of flake in everyday for a week, and if your parameters are still good, then its ready.


readings for today are as follows.
ph 8.0
ammonia 0 ppm
nitrite 1 ppm
nitrate 10 ppm
sg is still 1.023...
The qt tank is getting set up tomorrow after work any suggestions was thinking about a sponge filter on a maxi-jet pump .I have this old marine land filter like a 300 or 400 size. Kinda thinking that is overkill for a 10 gal tank. Any help is much appreciated