
I'm just learning about compatibility so please don't be so harsh on me. My tank cycled about a month ago, and besides the domino damsel that I kept, I purchased an ocillerus clown, and a yellow watchman goby. Desperate for a new fish, my girlfriend and I bought a baby picaso trigger. He is barely the size of a quarter. Everything has been fine since, but I'm scared that the Picaso will eventually feast on everyone. What do you guys think? I need all the help I can get? I'm willing to give him up if I have to, but he hasen't shown the slightest aggression towards any of the fish. In fact I even saw the goby chasing him around once in a while. Help please? :eek:


Active Member
According to my experiences with Triggers and after checking my reference chart for compatiability I do not think you will have a problem. Triggers should not be with blennies but gobies it says are ok. I think that since the Trigger is small that is the secret to hopefully having them all grow and do well together. Of course having said that I must admit that Triggers can sometimes be mean to everything around them and other times be very happy and kind with tankmates. I have found with my Triggers that having got them as babies they have never been mean to their fellow fish (at least not yet).
Now tank size comes into play and places for all the fish to call their own are important. Since you did not state tank size I can only hope it is large enough for the fish to grow and still have room to get along.


Thanks pufferlover. My tank is a 50g FO. I only plan to add one more fish, and I'm done. Any input on what I should add?