help please


i think my naso tang has ick but i cant catch him to put him in a qt tank. i have live rock but no corals. should i treat the whole tank? is it possible he will get over it on his own? what should i do?


Staff member
You can not treat the tank safely. You can try the so called "reef safe" products but they are not the best choices for treating fish diseases or for adding to your tank.
Anyone who has a FOWLR or reef must QT all new fish before adding to their tank. Good idea to do it with FO as well, but not as critical as with the other type tanks.


what will it do to the live rock? i dont really have all that much growing on it anyway because i dont have great lighting


Staff member
It will kill the coraline, but also, the inverts that are very desirable, come in on the live rock. It will also kill those.
If you don't have much, you could remove the LR and setup a temporary container for it using a plastic garbage can and a good PH. Then perform hyposalinity in your tank.
But what are the symptoms of your fish?


i just noticed the fish had spots yesterday and he is already dead tonight. his tail and fins are a little frayed and he has white specks on his body. all other fish seem to be fine. i have no idea why this happened.


about 2 weeks ago. the fish that died was in the tank for about 2-3 months, all other fish are fine. im probably just gonna stick with real hardy fish from now on like clownfish which stinks cause i dont have enough light for an anemone


Staff member
I would suggest that you do garlic soaked food feedings for at least 2 mos.
There's a good deal of info here about why to do this, if you don't know. Just do a search using our Search Feature focusing on the Disease Forum.