help please!!


hey everyone here is the deal.. My tank has been running succesfully for over a year as a FOWLR. Recently though my fish have been dying off. I had a small powder blue who recently died. Now a percula has died and the other looks as though he has the same plan. I also keep a small flame angel who appears to be healthy but is hiding a lot. My water parameters check out and all of my inverts are thriving (condylactiis, cleaner shrimp, CBS, anenome crab, green bristle star and a sand sifter). I just want to know what could be killing the fish and not affecting teh inverts at all..any ideas would be greatly appreciated.


Hard to rule out the water paramiters unless we have the numbers. In lue of that:
What type of filtration?
Are you running carbon? If fish are dying then I would run new carbon now.
Water changes, how often, when was the last time? I would start preparing one now.
Outside variables - hair spray, bug spray, air freshiner sprays, others?
Any nucance algae going on in the tank?
Where are the remaining fish hanging out? on the top on the bottom? gasping? color change? red gills?
Need: ph, ammonia, nitrites, nitrates, salinity, temp???


alright here we go...
trates...10ppm or less
I use a prizm deluxe with carbon which i replace every 14 days. 40 pounds of live rock and 3 rio power heads. The tank is hardly growing any algae on the glass. I just find it odd the fish are dropping off and the ionverts are thriving...thanks


i forgot to mention about the fish..the last percula turned almost completely white with a few hours then died and now this percula is hangin out along the bottom just kind of treading water. He seems to be breathing a little heavy but he isnt gasping..thanks


Staff member
Do you QT your fish before you place them in your main tank? Doing so would certianly narrow down the problem, to either fish or the tank enviroment. If you are introducing sick fish, the QT would give you the opportunity to treat the fish, rather than just having them die.
It sounds like the first clown may have had brooklynella. Was the white like a film over the body that pealed off?


it was a white film....the other one just died of it too. My girlfriend thinks its because of all the inscence that we burn in the room, could she be on to something?? thanks


Staff member
That I don't know, but I consider incense pollution so it could well be. Better not to smoke, spray pesticides or fragrances, etc., around tanks.