Help, Please


my queen angelfish is sick she is still eating and swimming but has white specks on her they are getting better we used garlic extreme on some seaweed and zoe on her food but i just noticed that one of her gills is not moving and the other one is really working hard this just started. we have had her for a long time and we just moved her from a 135 gallon to a 150 gallon reef tank she was perfectly healthy when we moved her. Please help she was a mothers day present to my wife 2 years ago and she loves her so much. any ideas??????? thanks:confused:


Staff member
Sounds like she is a real pet. Ready to go the long haul with her in treatment??? That really is the only hope at this point. A gill not moving is bad news. Do you have a QT? Take a look at the Two Threads that are posted at the top of this forum—FAQ and the one on How to Post in Disease Forum. Post up all the info that is recommended in the How to Post Thread, and read the QT posts as well as the post on hyposalinity.
If you are willing to QT for treatment, then we can give this fish a shoot. I’ll post back a bit later to see what you think.
Also, if you can get a pic up of the fish with the problem areas that would be helpful.