help plese


i just bought a clownfish on friday and he has not ate for me yet and today i just noticed a few white bumps on his left side. can someone please tell me what this is and how to take care of it. i was planning on taking him back to the lfs tomorrow to see what they say but i would like to be able to understand what they will tell me thanks for the information and help.


Staff member
billyjoe, does the fish have ich? Describe exactly what you are seeing, and what the problem is. Take a look at the FAQ Thread at the top of this forum at the pic with clownfish with ich and tell me if this is what you are seeing.


there are a few little white ones that are raised bumps and then there is another one that is is a little bigger like pebble size that is a little darker than the others. he just stays in the back of the tank and he does not eat hi did swim for about 10 minutes around 5 oclock and now he is back behind the rocks not swiming


beth please tell me that my other fish are not going to die now i have had the tank up for almost 2 years and ive never had a problem i just need some help im think this is going to make me lose my mind


Staff member
Well, very likely the fish has ich. Can you get a pic up? Did you check out the FAQ Thread and the pair of clowns there with ich? Does it look like that.
If your fish has ich, it is highly contagious. All fish will need to be treated. Please either post a pic or give an opinion about the pic in the FAQ Thread.


well sad to say the fish died but it was not ick he was being bullied by one of my fish and i think it was just a little scar or something it did not resemble the pic in the faq but i took him back to the lfs and they gave me my money back so that was good thanks for the help