Help, Possible Ick


New Member
Help I have lost 3 fish in the following 2 days,
nitite 0, ammonia 0, ph 8.0, salinity 1.017
HAve just bought herbal ick attack, does anyone know what could have been causing my fish to die, please help asap


Staff member
Well, what problems did you see with the fish?? Any problems going on with your tank, such as water quality?


New Member
Beth, here is what happened, I have a 100g tank, did a 10% water change all of sudden the next day one fish died then another then another, I also bleached my rocks, and then soaked my rocks in fresh water with amquel for almost 8 hours after bleaching, checked my ammo and nitrite next day everything was fine, except one fish died, I just saw possible ick spots on parrot fish so I used herbal ick attach, the fish store said it was pretty harmless, turned off uv sterilizer, and removed carbon, should I do anything else


New Member
Need help, has anyone heard of herbal ich attack, currently using in my tank, should I turn the uv sterilzier off, when using medication also what is the best salinity to have when fish only to prevent parasites