help possible mantis shrimp

crazy bout salt7

New Member
ok heres my problem i think that i might possibly have a dreaded mantis shrimp. about a month ago one of my cleaner shrimp dissapiered. i thought that maybe it just died but then like 2 weeks later my male coral banded shrimp had all of its legs and claws ripped off and he died. Then last night my female coral banded shrimp was fine when i woke up this morning she was dead looked like she was crushed and one of her claws was ripped off. i hope that i do not have one. please write back with any ideas. i dont have nething that i think could cause this.


Active Member
Yo! It's a mantis shrimp or some other type of bothersome culprit. If you know which LR it lives and and which hole, reomve the LR and pour a bit of ginger ale into the hole.
It'll run right out and you can remove it quite easily.

crazy bout salt7

New Member
I have a yellow tang, coral beauty, pygmy angel, lawnmower blenny, scooter blenny,2 firefish, and a 6 line wrasse. i have nothing that could do that. i dont even have any other crabs besides a cleaner shrimp and my coral banded shrimp was a nice size. i just dont understand it i think it is a mantis no other signs of it though i saw there i think the body was dragged same place as my cleaner shrimp that disapeared so i will check there.


Hmmm... I'm not sure if a mantis is the culprit. How much LR do you have? And Joe... have you ever even had a mantis? Ofcourse one could do that. There are two different kinds of mantis shrimps. Slashers and Bashers.. well, that's what some people would call them. I'm not an expert, but I found one of these buggers once. If you look in the archives theres some really good posts on this.


You might also want to take as red flashlight and check out your tank at night. You'll be surprised at what you will see. A regular flashlight with a candy rapper works fine.