HELP! Powder Blue.


120 Reef.
4 inch fox face
3 inch niger trigger
3 inch yellow tang
4 inch achilles tang (doing very very well)
4 inch Kole tang
Handful of other small fish (clown,six lined etc.)
What do you guys think if I added a 5 inch Powder Blue? I put the one on hold at my LFS today. It has been there for 3 weeks and is eating and looks very very healthy...
Comments and suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


Active Member
I'm leaning towards the 'you're done' statement. There is a lot of body mass waiting to grow in that tank. And of course you know the reputation of the power blue's to begin with. Props to you on keeping the Achilles healthy.


Active Member
I think you are WAY "done." That is a lot of large fish in that tank. Is this a standard 4' 120g tank?