HELP!!! Protien Skimmer problems!


So I bought a really nice protien skimmer online, for my aquarium, its one of those that hang on the back of the tank, so anyways, I set it up correctly, but the moment I put it in the plug the water starts to over flow every where!!! and I dont know what to do! Is there anything I can do from causing this to happen? What am I doing wrong?
I'm really clueless on what to do! I read the instrucations on in but it doesn't say anything about it. Any advice? anything....
Thanks alot!


Active Member
I had the same problem when I first got mine, I had NO CLUE how to use that thing! The only thing I can suggest is what ruaround already suggested, mess around with the flow intake knob. It may take awhile to get it right.


Originally Posted by wilsonreef
what kind of skimmer do you have? Is water dumping in the floor or just a lot of flow in the aquarium?
Its a Jebo one 180 Hang on Skimmer, AP1500 powerhead
Ya, water starts to over flow all over the floor! Its really bad!!!


Originally Posted by ruaround
does it have an intake flow knob??? try turning it down...
whats the intake flow knob?

nemo's mom

It looks like a dial on mine. You can turn the flow up or down. I had mine hooked up incorrectly but my dealer was able to show me how to adjust it properly.


Also look for any blockage from shipping. If the air intake is restricted sometimes the water level goes high.


Do you have it hanging on the back as low as it can go? With mine, for the best performance, the water level should be 8" above the bottom of the skimmer. Try moving it up a few inches.