Help!! Puffer looks bad


My puffer has one eye that is not blue today and looks kind of white around it. Anyone know what it is?
I have just recently treated my tank with Maracyn.


Active Member
check your water quality ph amonia and nitrates SG.puffers can be very sensetive to water quality first sign of distress is the often are you feeding him what are you feeding him how long have you had him.if all shows within good ranges he may need treatment.they are very prone to bacerial infections in my experience.please be advised puffers are copper sensetive can not be treated with copper for any reason.


I feed him about 6 ghost shrimp every evening. all Nitrites are about 3, Nitrates are 0, Amonia is 0 PH is 6.1.


Active Member
ph is way to low for a puffer this is a sw puffer ph should be 8.2 -8.3 SG 1.021-1.024 bring these levels to these ranges you will notice a big change in your puffer.also feed a little more variety to your puffer such as squid silverslides shrimp and other seafoods .hope this helps but do get that ph up to a good level before its too late rasie it slowly as to not shock his system.