Help, Pymgy Angel is looking bad


Hi guys, I have a pygmy angelfish who I found a few days ago with a bit of a cloudy eye, so I did a water change and bought some medication (Mela Fix) thinking it would help him, he seemed fine today, but tonight in my main tank he was lying on his side, I put him in my smaller tank and other than his eye, he is swimming, except in his same spot, here's a pic of him at his current state


Staff member
What are your water readings?
Do you have a QT? The treatment for popeye is antibiotics, Maracyn Two for SW Fish. Is the eye swollen at all? Also, the treatment would be the same for an eye infection.
However, fish that have parasites will also get cloudy eyes. Notice any ich?


nevermind all, it was too late for him :(. I was treating him in my QT with MelaFix, but no I didn't notice any ich, sorry about the pic, the camera is baad.