Help-question about copper


By adding coppper to cure my Ick...does the copper kill my bacteria bed I tank is only 4 months old...I just added Kick-Ick..but if it doesn't work I was told to add copper


Copper will kill all ur inverts and not allow u to keep them in that tank ever again. it sets in to the silicon at the joint of the tank and leaks out. i believe ur bacteria will either stay or come back but i am not sure.
u are better off setting up a QT using exisitng water from ur display (makes it a good time for a water change) and then either adding copper to only the QT or better of using hyposalinity. Hyposanlinity is were u slowly bring the Specific salinity down from 1.023/24 to around 1.009 and inverts such as the Ick cannot live in these condition and will leave the host and die. it is much friendly to ur fish as for some reason the lover salinity calms the fish and some experts also believe that use chemicals such as copper can shorten the lifespan of ur live stock.
if u wanna read more about QT go to the sticky on the Disease and Treatment forum.
good luck.


thanks...have you heard of kick-ick..I added to my tank..its invert friendly abd bio-bed safe..I hope it works


Kick ick is a hit or miss. For some it works for some it don't. The only person that I actually know who used it had successful results but she had to use it for twice the recommended time period stated on the bottle.


Gotcha...well we'll see..I put Kick-ich in the tank last night..The ick is not bad yet and I also have an 18watt Uv running at a slow rate.I hope both treatments work.


Staff member
Also try some feedings with foods soaked in fresh minced garlic.