Help Quick Spiderwed Stuff In Tank



I looked over at my tank & a huge white looking, string spiderweb stuff was all over the place- WHAT IS IT? Anyone know???
FYI I have prego peppermint shrimp... could all this be from having the babies??


Active Member
you didn't raise your salinity to 1.032 like you were thinking in another thread did you?


Active Member
also, posting in different forum areas with the same questions are only going to confuse everyone trying to help you..


Sorry I posted out of urgency, not knowing where to post? All I knew was I looked over at my tank and it was being engulfed in a thick whit'ish mucous (like someone hocked a lungy) and was like a HUGE spiderweb, the tank was getting wild!
I've had this set up a couple months, was given my sisters LR, she never mentioned any of those or that happening? No New LR was brought into the set up.
I've seen small little webs, but NEVER this explosion! To be that engulfing & large- I'm thinking I must have a BIG V Snail? How do I find it and get it out? If I wasn't home, my peppermints were fighting to release from it, things were getting pretty upset?
SO pls help, what am I looking for & how do I rid of it??