help red and green allergy taking over


New Member
what is the best things to get rid of red and green allergy
I have a banded shrimp, 2 clown fish, 2 turbo snails, 3 astro snails, 2 peppermint shrimps, a toadstool mushroom coral, 3 blue leg hermit crab, 2 red leg hermit crab, 2 nassarius snails in my 29 g tank



Active Member
If I can tell by the picture, it appears you possibly have cyano and what looks like hair algae (cant see the pic very well). Maintenance is key along with good water flow, RO/DI water usage, a good clean up crew, and avoid feeding your fish food with phos in it such as flakes.


Active Member
I definitely say cyano bacteria is the red algae. I would siphon all of it off your sand bed and do a large water change using (saltwater) made from RO/DI water or even distilled water, increase your flow, and add a few more cuc members.
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Well-Known Member
kill you lights and start feeding every three days. After the cyano dies off then resume with 1/2 duration lighting than before. and only feed once per day. Then adjust both so the corralling thrives (more lighting/feeding) but the cyano does not (less lighting/feeding)