HELP! Red slime algae.............


New Member
Can anybody tell me any good methods to fight off red slime algae? nitrates 0,nitrites 0, ammonia 0,ph 8.2,sg 1.023. I try to do a 20% water change once a month but sometimes slip a little. My protein skimmer hasn't been working right and hasn't been running for about 3 months. How much could that have to do with it? It really sucks because my tank certainly looks sad. Any suggestions would be appreciated.


New Member
try this. try to locate a product called chemi clean. it treats for red and green slime algae. once purchased do a 30% water change try to get most of the red out when doing the change. I dont know what type of tank you have but you might think about adding a few circulation pumps. also get that skimmer working. between all these thing you will take care of the problem. The chemi pure helps to promote the good green algae. Hope this helps. it has for me in the past. good luck


Active Member
Best way to prevent pest algae is to maintain ideal water conditions. No free floating nutrients in the water! Once it gets started it's a royal pain in the butt to remove totally.
Try and stay ahead of the problem if you can. Also, make sure you use RO/DI water in your water changes to prevent adding phosphates.