HELP!~ RIP Bicolor blenny :( Question about environment...


Okay... I think that I'm going to have to give up on trying to keep the cute, not-as-active fish, such as the purple firefish and bicolor blenny. The purple firefish "disappeared" after only being in my tank for 2 days, not a single sign of it anywhere, back chambers, etc... (Tank is a Oceanic Biocube 14) When it was in my tank, it mostly stayed in the back, behind or under the rocks, but would come out when I fed the tank. I have a true percula that is doing great and has been there for a month, as well as a sixline wrasse that is doing great. I added the most adorable little bicolor blenny on Wednesday. It would go from hole to hole in my live rock, peeking its head out, constantly on the watch. I have a fire shrimp and a pom pom (boxer) crab that I would notice show some agression towards it. The blenny would be down in its hole and the fire shrimp would wait outside of its hole and when he would poke his head out, the shrimp would beat up on him, same with the pom pom crab. The sweet little blenny never bothered anyone.
This afternoon when I stopped by my office (tank is kept at work), I didn't see the blenny. After searching, I noticed that all of my crabs and the shrimp were gathered at the bottom, in the center of one of my large rocks. I took a skewer out to go between the rocks to break them all apart to see what they were doing. Then I saw the remains of my sweet little blenny.
I took the net and removed it. I checked my water parameters because I was sure that someone was going to be out of whack.
Temp 80.4
Ammonia 0
PH 8.0
Nitrite 0.25
Nitrate 10
Calcium 450
SG 1.030 :scared:
My SG had never been that high before so I called my LFS who advised me to remove 1/2 gallon of my water and replace it with fresh water (RO water). He also asked me if I had Turbo Start, and if I did, to add a capful. I don't have any Turbo Start, so I proceeded with removing 1/2 gallon of my tank water and replacing it with RO water. He advised me to re-check my SG tomorrow when I come by. Me, being impatient, checked it 20 minutes after and it had gone down to 1.027. My nitrite and nitrate had gone down to 0. Of course, I will re-check it again in the morning.
My question is this.... I didn't check my SG last week when the firefish apparently died (?) and was wondering.... aside from harrassment from the fire shrimp and pom pom crab, could the high SG be the cause of death for these 2 fish when everything else (parameter-wise) is fine?

The 2 "active" fish in the tank (percula and sixline) are doing great. It seems like when I add a fish that is not as "active", they die within 2-3 days.
Should I just give up on getting anything like that again and stick with only the "active" ones?
Has anyone ever experienced any agression towards those peaceful, rock dwelling, sand dwelling gobies/blennies by their fire shrimp? I'm wondering if it has been the culprit in the 2 deaths. If so, I will definately take it back to the LFS.
Other info about my tank.... I do 20% water changes every weekend. I use RO water for my top-offs and NutriSea premixed saltwater from my LFS for the water changes.
Any help/advice/suggestions would be GREATLY appreciated.
Like my username states, I love, or loved my sweet little Blenny. He was my first fish when i started this avdventure 2 yrs ago. He was full of personality and I grew to love him very much.
Sadly, a mystery illness killed him not long ago maybee old age, how long do they live i dont know.
I would definately suggest getting another.
As for the vanishing fish, I recently got a banded shrimp goby and the first two days were great, hed dig and look around, but wouldnt associate with the pistol shrimp I was assured by the lfs that was a match for him. Third day, no Goby, or shrimp, they just dissapeared, I searched as best I could but no luck. Then I heard POP the pistol shrimp had snapped, and snaps to this day, maybee theyre both behind the rocks.
To your problem, I cant tell you if your setup is working right, but I dont ever check salinity or ph or anything, I do a 50% change every week or so, with the ocean water you can get at *****,dont buy any fish from there! they come in brown boxes and the lfs said that was the best thing to do. But he doesnt sell water, if he did he would tell me different I think. I use purple up and nanoA&B and thats it. I havent killed anything due to my neglect, maybee a crushed crab or two. How big is your tank, that water isnt cheap If you have a 30 or smaller its cost effective since my only other option is to ride to Atlanta or Montgomery to get water. I do take a bag of water to the lfs to get testing every now and then, He usually says stop feeding them too much!


Thank you so much for your response, I really appreciate it.
I definately want to get another bicolor blenny. Although I only had him for 3 days, he had soooo much personality and was just the most adorable, sweet little fish. I'm thinking that my fire shrimp is a murderer and may have killed it. (I made a separate post about that in this forum) So, I think that I am going to return it to the LFS and then get another blenny. I think that it would be a great complement to the true percula and sixline wrasse that is already in there.
I have a 14 gallon tank and usually do a 20% water change on the weekend, using the Nutrisea water. I also use Purple Up for a calcium supplement, Kent Marine's Zooplex and Kent Marine's Tech I Iodine supplement. (I have a few corals in my biocube) I've heard of Nano A&B and am wondering if I should go ahead and get that too?

BTW... I bet your goby and shrimp are having a good time burrowed in a hole somewhere behind a rock.

Thanks again, for taking the time to post a response.
Your setup seems totally fine, im no expert, but it sounds like a winner.
NEWS BREAK- I changed the water in my tank today, thought Id hunt for the Goby and shrimp, ended up taking all the corals and rocks out and I had bare sand, Saw the shrimp, scary lookin. The Goby was nowhere to be seen so I assumed the anemone ate him. Looking in the back sump, I saw a white and orange tail, It was Goby! I though he must be dead, and started to fish out his body, When I got him out and in the main part of the tank, he sprung to life and hid, If I hadnt checked, Id still have a goby in my sump that Id never see!