help: Salt


I've Been thinking about changing to "Reef crystals" for my salt, but all my local suppliers are saying to stay with what they use which is "crystal sea." I haven't seen that brand mentioned here. Is any one using it? and what are you thoughts on it?


I switched from reef crystals to OCEANIC, and if your not using TMpro or clean ocean water, then try OCEANIC. I acually get readings for trace things like magnesium (15gal=1200ppm), which i tested for and never got a reading in R.crystals
. I test every batch of salt i get and so far the best $$$ value is oceanic. I do use B-ionic, kalk, strontium, reef trace, turbo calc. ect. and i think most people use products like these regardless of salt brand.
Back to your concern= sounds like they want to sell you another product from their store vs. you saving money and recieving more or a better quality salt by ordering it from an internet site.