Help! Sand And Live Rock Is Turning Brown


New Member
I Have A New Tank And Live Sand Its Been Running For A Month And A Half. Everything Was Running And Looking Great, I Just Put In Live Rock And Thats When ---- Hit The Fan A Few Days Later I Notice Brown Stuff On The Sand And The Rock Also. I Did A Water Change Today. What Do I Do Need Help Thanks.


Your just getting diatoms which is noraml in new tanks you will have runs with it just stir it around it comes right off. I would increasse curculation that help you will have this happen a bit in the 1st year.


are you using tap water or distilled or R/O water. If you're using tap water, that can be a big contribution to diatoms... I'd switch immediately to R/O water!
And yes, what are your water parameters right now?


New Member
Ammonia -0
Ph- 8.2
Nitrite 2.0
Also I Have Thoses Blue Balls (lol) In My Filter I Was Told To Remove Them Since I Have Live Rock What Do You Think?


Your nitrite is too high to have fish right now. Looks like your tank is getting to the end of the cycle though. I'd wait about another 2 weeks, and do weekly 10% water changes until then. Test your waters weekly, and when the nitrites are at 0, it's ok for you to get fish.
With the bio-balls (blue, you don't have to remove them because you have LR. I have a 55 gallon tank with 90lbs LR, and i left the bio balls in my filter. I haven't done a water change in 2 months, and my parameters are as follows:
PH 8.3
Ammonia 0
Nitrites 0
Nitrates 5
Calcium 450
I don't know if it's because i left the bio balls in or what, but it works! If you decide to take them out, make sure you do it over a long period of time. Your system is used to having all of that extra bacteria, and if you remove it all at once, your LR won't be able to handle the bio-load. I'd say take out 1/5 of the balls per week, but throughout the week, like 3 balls a day or something. That way, your LR has enough time to take over for the bio-balls.
Also, are you using tap water???


New Member
Thanks Will Wait 2 Weeks. What About Crabs, Shrimp, And Stuff Like That ?yes, I Did Use Tap Water


Inverts are even more sensative to high -ates, -ites, and ammonia, so you should definately wait to get those too.
Also, you should test your SG (specific gravity). This tells you how much salt is in the water. For you to have inverts, the SG should be around 1.025-1.026. Make sure it is around there before you introduce the inverts.
Glad to help!


New Member
Yeah, Its 1.026 Right Now Its Been 1.023 But I Just Did A Water Change So Its Alil High


That's good. now make sure it doesn't fluctuate. when you do water changes, test the water before you put it in, and make sure the SG is the same as the tank.
Ok, now the most likely reason for the brown algae is that you're using tap water.
You should use R/O water (reverse osmosis). This will make such a difference in your tank. you should use this to top off, for water changes, for everything you put in your tank from now on. You can get it at your local Walmart. It's in the bottled water section, and it's like 58 cents a gallon. It's in a clear jug with a green cap, and a green label. It's called "drinking water". It's processed by reverse osmosis, and a calcium supplement has been added in as well. This will ensure your water always has enough calcium. Walmart supercenters have a R/O water dispenser, normally at the front of the store, and it's like 33 cents a gallon (you bring your own containers). This is probably one of the most important things you will ever learn about saltwater! DON'T FORGET IT!!!
lol This should clean up your tank in no time. Until then, just vacuum the brown stuff off with the water changes.
Hope this helps!


New Member
Ok This Is The New Results On The Water
Can I Put A Clean Up Crew In?


You shouldn't put anything in the tank until your nitrites are a big fat 0.