Help Save Mushroom Leather


So I just bought a mushroom leather from my lfs. They are usually fairly good for buying corals but when the guy removed it from the PVC that it was sitting in he ripped a bit off the side of it. He said that he didn't realize that it was attached. (I will not hesitate to demand my money back if it dies) Now it is in my tank, been there about 3 hours and it is still slimy and looking very unhappy. Is there any hope that it will make it or anything that I can do for it? The side part was what was ripped a little, but the actual top was fine. Now it is attached to a rock but it is all bent over. Any ideas or suggestions would be appreciated :( :(


Active Member
I just posted somthing about a critter I have that seems the same that is growing inside of a canister filter by the hundreds.


I bought a twin leather and cut them apart and it didn't seem to bother them and actually are doing better. In your case I would put it in light current and mid way in your tank. Mine seem to love it there. The spot I cut the leather from is already sprotting new leathers. Good luck and did the lfs say they would give you a refund? Hope they did just in case the worst happens but it should be OK. Just give it some time 3-4 days.