Help selecting new fish


New Member
I have a 40 gallon with 50 lbs. of live rock. Powered by a 330 bio-wheel and a Bak-Pak 2R protein skimmer.I have a Coral Beauty and a Flame Hawk. I'm looking to add another fish. Does anyone have any suggestions on another fish that will go nicely with the other two? My tank has been established for 2 years.


I just got a False Percula clownfish, and he's really cool!
Maybe a pair would be nice for your tank...
Just a thought. :D


this might be pushing stocking limits or might be able to get one more but i would get a small lion like an antenna or a dwarf then you can probably get another fish like a lemon tang


Active Member
you definitely do NOT have room for anyhting big, esp. a tang, get a smaller fish, the percula, IMO would be a good choice