New Member
hey guys i have a singapore angel. i saved him from a pet shop that let there heater go out. and when i got him home i qt him think got he got ick well every since the heater thing i have had prob with him i got rid of the ick but now he is getting somthing on him that is like a fuzzy stuff i think its somthing anyway it might ust be me but it dont look like ick its not little white specks its like discolorrasion spots on him like the color on him is fading out in spots and his eyes are dialated like all black and wasent like that before but what ever it is it seems not to even faze him. he eats great i have him on a diat of frozen foods mysis and brine shrimp. and fish flakes with for vitamins but he only gets them 2 to 3 times a week. i have been around saltwater fish since i was 13 and im 21 now and this is the first time i have seen anything like this. i have one blue damsel that scraches on rocks but dosent show signs of ick are anything. but she has been acking werid everysince i got her shes full grown and digs and ruts the sand in the cave in the live rock. but she and him are the only ones in the tank that even remotly show anysigns of probloms i have seen in fish in the past scratching of ick. and parasites but the damsel dont show anything is it possible for the damsel to sut be doing this with nothing wrong with her? i would sut get rid of her but ya know i cant my wife loves her but i have 2 lion fish that when they grow im sure she will be fish food anyway but dont tell her that. plz help