HELP, somebody....ANYBODY!!!


New Member
I tried asking for help in the disease section, and even by asking within someone else's thread. NO REPLIES!!!
MAYBE SOMEONE HERE WILL HELP?!?! My tank cycled, and everything was OK for several months. My water quality went exactly as expected. My nitrite is now at ZEROppm, my ammonia is at ZEROppm, my nitrate is at about 40ppm. I have a refugium/sump with red gracilaria and plenty of live sand. (I just did a 30%water change).
My fish developed a white dot on each eye. I asked for help ID'ing the problem, anticipating a HUGE nightmare and the dots being just the beginning. The dots were about the size of a period, and they actually protruded from the eye lens about a millimeter.
THAT was two days ago. YESTERDAY, the dots were still there, but the rest of the eye became clouded. TODAY, the fish's fins and tail are starting to look like they are scraggly and slowly deteriorating. The body looks cloudy as well. They are eating normally, and swimming around normally. I thought about this being ich, but in my experience, ich looks like sugar sprinkled all over the fish. Then again, my experience is with freshwater fish.


Originally Posted by ratboy9
I tried asking for help in the disease section, and even by asking within someone else's thread. NO REPLIES!!!
MAYBE SOMEONE HERE WILL HELP?!?! My tank cycled, and everything was OK for several months. My water quality went exactly as expected. My nitrite is now at ZEROppm, my ammonia is at ZEROppm, my nitrate is at about 40ppm. I have a refugium/sump with red gracilaria and plenty of live sand. (I just did a 30%water change).
My fish developed a white dot on each eye. I asked for help ID'ing the problem, anticipating a HUGE nightmare and the dots being just the beginning. The dots were about the size of a period, and they actually protruded from the eye lens about a millimeter.
THAT was two days ago. YESTERDAY, the dots were still there, but the rest of the eye became clouded. TODAY, the fish's fins and tail are starting to look like they are scraggly and slowly deteriorating. The body looks cloudy as well. They are eating normally, and swimming around normally. I thought about this being ich, but in my experience, ich looks like sugar sprinkled all over the fish. Then again, my experience is with freshwater fish.

Sounds like a call for Beth's help is in need here. If she can't tell ya what's wrong, nobody can (I trust her judgement).


Active Member
Originally Posted by ratboy9
I tried asking for help in the disease section, and even by asking within someone else's thread. NO REPLIES!!!
MAYBE SOMEONE HERE WILL HELP?!?! My tank cycled, and everything was OK for several months. My water quality went exactly as expected. My nitrite is now at ZEROppm, my ammonia is at ZEROppm, my nitrate is at about 40ppm. I have a refugium/sump with red gracilaria and plenty of live sand. (I just did a 30%water change).
My fish developed a white dot on each eye. I asked for help ID'ing the problem, anticipating a HUGE nightmare and the dots being just the beginning. The dots were about the size of a period, and they actually protruded from the eye lens about a millimeter.
THAT was two days ago. YESTERDAY, the dots were still there, but the rest of the eye became clouded. TODAY, the fish's fins and tail are starting to look like they are scraggly and slowly deteriorating. The body looks cloudy as well. They are eating normally, and swimming around normally. I thought about this being ich, but in my experience, ich looks like sugar sprinkled all over the fish. Then again, my experience is with freshwater fish.
The other posiblities is internal parisites.....You need meds ASAP!!!! Do you have a hospital tank set up?????? If not don't worry. In my humble opinion it is better to treat your main tank to kill every last little germ.Get the meds for both ICH and INTERNAL parisites* Make sure that they are for salt water use!!!!!
My daughter's fresh water tank has had this same problem. The neon tetra that develop the sickness recovered(twice) and lived to a ripe old age of 3 and half years old.
Keep me updated


That dosnt like ich to me.Could be a secondary bacterial infection or some kind of fungus with out pictures it's hard to tell.
Have you added any new fish or LR recently?
I am more experienced in fresh water also so it's really hard to tell with out pictures.


Active Member
Symptoms Cause Treatment and Links
A). Cottony white growth over lens of eye Saprolegnia Fungus Forma-Green -or- Copper Sulfate.

B). Translucent film over the lens of the eye Could be a gram-negative bacterial infection Kanamycin Sulfate -or- Gentamycin Sulfate -or- TMP Sulfa.

C). Clear to translucent film over the lens of the eye and parts of the body Protozoan Infestation Metronidazole -or- Quinine Sulfate -or- Nitrofuracin Green

D). The iris (around the pupil) becomes cloudy Gram Negative bacterial infection Treat the fish with: Amoxicillin -or- Gentamycin.

E. The entire eye becomes cloudy from the inside out Could be a parasite, i.e., worms, flukes Check the tank for parasites. If found, treat the entire tank with De-Los. The fish may lose it's eye.
The fish have a Gram Negative Bacterial infection Isolate the fish and treat with Gentamycin.

F). The entire eye of one or more fish "falls out" and the fish continue to swim around
a). Tuberculosis

b). In aggressive species: The fish have been involved in a fight
a). Kanamycin + Isoniazid + Vitamin B-6 (for 30 days)

b). Use Nitrofuracin green to expedite healing. The fish may live a very long life even without an eye.

G). Swelling and redness surround the outside of the eye a). Could be an injury from decor inside the tank or pond
b). Gram-negative bacterial infection
a). Treat with Nitrofuracin Green to expedite healing
b). Treat with Gentamycin

H). The eye on one or more fish "pop's out" The fish are affected with "Pop Eye", a kidney infection Treat the fish with TMP Sulfa for ten days.

I). Both eyes seem to "pop out" on one or more fish. The disease progresses to ulceration's, raised scales and sores on the body a). These fish are suffering from Abdominal Dropsy
b). The fish are suffering from Aeromonas (hole in the side disease)
Treat the fish with Oxolinic Acid + Oxytetracycline in the feed. Mix 1 teaspoon of each medication with 2oz. of water. Spray contents over 1 lb. of koi pellets with a spray bottle. Let air dry and feed to the fish for 2 weeks. Use Forma-Green in the water to prevent fungus from attacking the ulcerations.


New Member
I do not have pics. Maybe my girlfriend can get one with her cellphone. I originally did not think it was ich because as I and someone else said, (and from past experience) ich is like white grains (like salt or sugar) all over the fish. I will try and post a pic. THANKS A LOT!!!


New Member
I don't think its popeye, but I'm no pro. From what I have read, popeye causes the eye to enlarge, or "bloat". Their eyes were not enlarged, but started out with JUST a TINY white dot. I noticed that and got freaked out. I figured that it was a precursor to a nightmare. The eyes then got cloudy (still having the white dot) and the fins then got scraggly looking. The body is kind of cloudy as well.


New Member
Parasite Clear(Jungle Fish Care)
What I can get:
Just about any product made by Mardel, Jungle, and API.
I live in NYC and ***** and Petland discounts is within reach and they carry these products.
To get more specialized products, I will have to travel a bit.
Any ideas on the products I should use and/or products I can safely mix?
I cannot use copper products since I have invertebrates.
Thanks for the help so far!!! I was beginning to think that I died and noone could hear or see my ghost!!!


New Member
For gram negative bacteria, is tetracycline better to use than Maracyn (Mardel)? I'm not even sure if you can use tetracucline in saltwater aquariums.
Which is safer for invertebrates?
I have A LOT of crabs, some snails,mussels, clams, and shrimp, and LOADS of little critters in the live rock and live sand. I also have a sump/refugium with macroalgae.
I fear that if the invertebrates die, it would KILL my water quality since I would NEVER be able to get the dead critters out. I have a lot of live rock stacked all over the tank and it would be impossible to find dead stuff.


Active Member
Not sure....It should say on the bottle. I haven't actually had to use any of the stuff.....I would call your local fish store and ask them what they recommend.....Make sure the meds are safe for invertebrates and such. If they only have stuff for treating salt water fish. You will have to get a seperate 10 gallon tank to use as a hospital tank. DO NOT put the fish back for at least a month. By that time any parisites that require a host to survive will have died.


Active Member
What kind of fish are you talking about, and were they in the tank during the cycle? Is it possible that your fish (is this plural??) may have caught or scraped on a rock or something? Hmmm...wish I could be more help, just some things that I thought of.
Lisa :happyfish


New Member
I spoke to several of the salt water people at my local stores. They said that the problem was induced by stress.
As I mentioned earlier, I have cold water fish.
I was not using a heater, and my water temperature may have fluctuated a little too drastically for the comfort of the fish, which may have caused the illness.
I currently have One Tautog (4 inches), One Cunner (5 inches), Nine Killifish (2 inches each) and lots of crabs, ghost shrimp, snails, mussels, clams and little critters including LIVE barnacles. I use red gracilaria in my sump/refugium.
I was advised to use Melafix, which is a natural TEA TREE derived medication that is used to treat open sores, cloud eye, fin/tail rot, septicemia and a load of other stuff. The fish are still active as ever and eating as usual.
I must medicate for 7 days then do a 25% WC and put in fresh carbon. The protein skimmers must be turned off as well during the medication period.
I will keep checking for advice and I will post any progress or (hopefully NOT) negative changes.