help spots!!!


New Member
Can anyone sort this problem out for me? When I was feeding my fish yesterday I noticed very small white dots on my yellow tangs fins, it feeds well and the spots don’t seem to be bothering it.
I think this could just be the start of something and want to get it sorted very soon. In my 50 gal are a blue chromis, yellow tang, two black & white clowns, cleaner wrasse, cleaner shrimp, boxing shrimp, and an assortment hermits and snails, and 20kilos live rock.
I have an empty 15 gal tank with heater filter and lights should I use this as a hospital tank? And when set up can I put the fish in to treat. And what about the shrimps and crabs in the other tank will they need treating as well.
Hope someone can help soon!!


Active Member
this might be course of action is to remove all the FISH....not invertebrates or anything else....put the fish in the hosp tank and try hyposalinity. Do this for about a month...a little less. u can also feed with garlic and that will help... Put nothing else in the hosp. tank except the fish..anything else will die..including the ich on the fish. The fish should be fine...ONLY do this if it is ICH. I'm sure u can find a pic of ich online and compare with what you have. hope this helps.


Staff member
Ick has the appearance of salt like dots sprinkled on fish fins and body. Do you notice your fish scratching?
If you can give a positive id of ick, then the best coruse of treatment is hyposlainity. All fish [whether you see the ick or not] will need to be treated. Inverts do not get ick, so they can remain in the main tank.
Setup your hospital tank with 50% water from the main tank and 50% fresh batch of seawater. Ensure that PH and temp of hospital tank is = to the tank. Move your fish over to the hospital.
Over the course of 48 hours bring your specific gravity down to 1.009 in small increments. Leave the SG at this level of 4 wks after all visible signs of ick are gone from your fish. The ick should be dead by this time. At the end of 4 wks, if all is well, you can slowly return your SG to normal levels over the course of several days. A few mores days in the hospital and the fish can then be returned to the main tank.
While the fish are being treated, feed them garlic soaked food.


New Member
Beth thanks for your input, the yellow tang is the only one with small white spots on its fins, i think i saw one on its body but could not be sure. i have watched it for hours and not once has it tried to rub or scratch itself on the rock or anything else for that matter. i am setting up a hospital tank and will put all my fish in soon. Do you still think its ich, and if not would dropping the sg do them any harm if they don't have ich.
thanks again