Help! Starfish injured


Here is a pic of my starfish He is a red general. I just noticed this today yesterday no injuries I don't know what got him or if it is a disease . Will he just shed his leg or what can I do to help him. My tank parameters are A-0 PH 8.2 nitrate 20 Nitrite 0 temp 81-82. I haven't added anything into the tank since I got him a month ago. Inhabitants are 1 Yellow tang 3 perc clowns 1 Lyre tail anthias 1 Lawnmower blenny 10 damsels wich I just removed I have about 60lbs of live rock. CC substrate 3 powerheads and UGF( I know it sucks) seaclone 150 skimmer working very well. Any help would be appreciated. Oh yea tank has been running for 6 mos. Also have cleaner crew crabs and snails. Thanks


I lost brittlestars in December to some sort of flesh eating thing, I think it may have been bacterial. My chocolate star survived and is in the process of regenerating - he looked really bad, I was surprised he was still alive. I treated my tank with Maracyn 2. Are your fish o.k.?


yeah all fish are ok I also have 2 brittle stares and they are ok saw them tonight. Did you add Maracyn 2 straight to your main tank. Thanks john


Just remembered I have been putting Marine SAT once a week to help control algae problems. Could this be the culprit. I have been adding it since before I got the red general. Thanks


Teh above pics were last night about 8 pm todays pic is at 1230 he is getting worse should I take him out. All but two of his legs are gone. What can I do He is still alive cause the suction cups on other two legs are moving around and feeling the side of the tank HELP:help:


Well unfortunatly he passed this morning
:mad: Is there anybody who knows what could of caused this as all other critters are fine and happy. Thanks