HELP!!!!! Start of a crash????


It's been a while since I've been on this board, as I started a new business and I've merely had time to maintain my tank since then instead of being able to add to it, etc.
But I really need some help here, as I think I may be at the beginning of a crash.
I left town for a few days (how many crash stories start like that?) and my husband turned the light out on my refugium for at least 48 hours or so. This caused my caulerpa to crash. I got home and removed it. That was about 3 days ago.
In the past day, I've lost a cleaner shrimp, serpent star and at least one snail. My green star polyps look a little off today, and there are a lot of red algae polyps in the main tank. A little patch of red slime, but nothing horrific. Water testing reveals ammonia at 0, nitrite at 0 and ph at 8.8!!!!! Yikes, my ph is way out of whack.
Other alive inhabitants include a mandarin, Bangaii pair, bicolor blenny, brittlestar (if he's still alive), ricordea, mushrooms and a couple of other soft corals.
System is 75-gallon with a 10-gallon refugium, 2 years old, never had a problem. 5-6" sandbed, 100+ lbs. of live rock, protein skimmer and Penguin 330 for mechanical filtration.
I know there are a lot of experts on this board...Salty, Beth, Trey, et. al...if you can help me pinpoint this problem I stand ready to head to the store to get whatever I need to reverse this situation. If I need to get my live inhabitants out ASAP, please let me know as their health and well-being is the most important thing to me right now.
Thanks in advance,


I would throw in some carbon and do a good sized water change it will help dilute the chemicals and added protein in the tank. also turn your skimmer on full blast to help get rid of the organics in the water column.
soemone else will probaby be able to add more I havent went through this so this is just IMO