New Member
Whats going on guys, I have rescently bit the bullet and upgraded from a 25 gallon with a few small SW fish and inverts to a 35 gallon that is currently cycling, and now upgrading again to a 170 gallon that is also being cycled with a few small damsel and 230 pounds of live rock. EXPENSIVE HOBBY
. I have come to the point where i think im ready for a FOWLR set up for my largest tank i have a few fish running through my brain, but i wanna keep the list really short like 4 fish tops. I know i want a puffer , a trigger, possibly a wrasse , and mabe a good tang that can defend himself. So far im looking into trying to obtain a Guineafowl Puffer, i know they are on the rare side but im a patient person. In terms of the triggers im really lost here alot of people tell me to keep them alone in a species only tank, some people tell me i can keep any of them with other fish. I really dont want to impulse buy just a nice looking trigger to come home and find that he has murdered my stock list. As far as the wrasse goes i like the Harlequin Tusk and Lunare the most, and in terms of tangs mabe a Regal? Im not to sure how they may all react living together, but thats why im here asking for opinions from people who have have past experience with agressive SW fish.
