Help stocking 10 gallon Hex



I have a 10 gallon hex, was thinking of putting two false percs, and a cleaner shrimp, tank is cycled completely i have 10# of LR, prolly wont be able to add any fish until after this month i have MCATs in april so id rather be able to give more time to the tank after, but what do you all think of that? do u think i can go a goby or is that pushing it?


Hi Veera...first of all let me be the first here to wish you good luck with the MCAT. Having gone through it myself I can attest to the fact that it will be a very taxing test day...but just like in the aquarium hobby, preparation is key.
Anyhow, I would think a goby would be alright to add to the tank...I am a big fan of the gobys, especially since there are so many diff options to go with. Any one in particular you got in mind?


thanks gonna need all the luck i can get... lol... though i know luck cant save you in this test... so i guess im just gonna have to keep working hard, however i was looking into a firefish goby


kaplan, theres plenty of material but hte teacher for the course wasnt so great, but i think teh course served its purpose it got me to study... lol i think thats all their there for.


I forces you to get into a study regimen. At least you have plenty of in-state choices in Cali...not like here in AZ...
it's a total drag to have 1 school for allopathic


Oh to be a CA resident applying to medical school...
Here's my advise: if you're studying so much you don't have time for a hobby, you're studying too much. I'm running three tanks while in medical school... gotta have a balance in your life.
Ok, I think a small goby would be fine if you've got a good bit of rock, don't overfeed, and keep up with water changes. A firefish always looks great. They're hardy and we'll suited to small tanks.


What about the Purpleback Pseudochromis instead of the goby? i really like that FISH A LOT! its sooo nice... but not sure?